Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Full Beaver Moon & 11.11.11

Full Beaver Moon and 11.11.11
By Tara Sutphen

Full Beaver Moon (Native American) at 18* Taurus will culminate November 10, 2011 12:18pm pst/3:18pm est (almanac).
This Full Moon is an occasion of stepping into the benefits of the world around you, especially as the moon will be beaming down on 11.11.11. A gateway of stimulus, and fortunate epoch of beneficence, insight and magnetism, it's as though the heavens know when we need an extra dose of optimism and therefore decides it’s time to illuminate the dark states we often find ourselves in. As many are pushed to the limits of late and aim to find a reprieve and recover. We want to settle in to effortless thinking and living, creating more comfort in the home and environment. Concentrating on resolving household/workload drama and dilemmas, while seeking harmony and contentment, like a cat finding a sunny spot to laze in. Our personal worlds and the earth have been in a morass of confusion and this moon sets the tone of wanting to settle in and enjoy life again. What’s all the hoopla...simple pleasures are “where it’s at”, for a few hours here or there anyway. When meditating on the moon, it’s a soothing time all about being comfortable and release what is confusing, symbiotic or sporadic in your personal space.
This moon is a perfect prelude to the next day where you’ll be expected to raise your vibrational frequency through an 11.11.11 portal, a spiritual Stargate. What this means for ‘everyone’ is elevating mindful perceptions, it’s more than just saying grateful things, you’ll actually have to make an effort toward being constructive to healthier modes and methods of living. There is conscious reasoning with each word, deed and action. Whether you believe this celestial threshold is metaphor or reality, it’s a potential for redirection to gain clear goals and reach peaceful ease. Where is that glint of energy that makes life uncomplicated. Are you out of alignment, is your health on track or slightly poor, is your love on track or humbly defective, is your money on track or deficient. Why are you settling for less. Where does it say in your personal rule manual that you can’t succeed in everything the earth would like to gift you. You actually have clues on what to do to begin these healing journeys. Everyone has these self talks, we’re going to eat better, exercise more, choose people consciously but for some reason or another, find ourselves day after day in crossroads. It’s time to drop all that lack of enthusiasm as it won’t get us anywhere. Sorce for your intentions and goals. Take a breath, meditate during the full moon and on 11.11.11.

Journal Questions:
What to do, What to do... 10 sentences – What are you going to do?
What were your self talks
• Love
• Health
• Money
If you meditated on the full moon – What conclusions did you come to...what makes your life comfortable.
List 10 comfortable things:
• People, places, things
List 10 uncomfortable things:
• People, places, things

How self satisfied are you
When you do things for others, how do you feel
When you do things to better your life, how do you feel
What is the Stargate to you
How will it enhance your life
What did you think about during your meditation
Did you consciously try and raise your vibrational energy

It takes determination to find the durable senses to help achieve change for the better. You may need to fall asleep listening to hypnosis programs or exercise the body to relieve emotional and intellectual tension. Meditations and Mind programming are helpful in uncovering a need to open channels for brainpower and awareness. Modifying the mind, relieves long-established patterns to refresh and renew expectations and enterprising actions. However you see your life, we are organic beings needing readjustments from time to time. When we are in balance with the life force we are in control of our destiny.

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” ~Zen Proverb

Repost if you want



also available in CD

Item : Standing Before The Moon Ritual

USD $ 14.99

Meditation & Sleep Programming

By Tara Sutphen

Although you would ideally do this meditation outside
beneath the full moon, you can also experience it by imagining the moon and
four directions as you are surrounded with magical energy ... a rainbow of
light. In the Goddess’ name you open to the light. You can actually stand up
and raise your palms to the sky or imagine this process of being energized
and rejuvenated. Facing North you ask for solutions to your problems and
experience many blessings. Facing East you seek solutions and prosperity
while trusting yourself to make the right choices. Following many blessings,
you turn to the South and ask for increased self-esteem and harmonious
relationships with the people in your life. After the blessings, you turn to
the West to face your destiny and ultimate potentials. Open your mind and
release your courage. The ritual ends with the moon as your guiding light on the
shadowed path. It illuminates your dreams as you walk steadfast and proceed
on your earthy journey with an open heart.

Track 2:
A beautiful sleep programming version of the ritual. Listen as your cross
over into sleep and explore the four directions into your dreams.

TS215 -- $14.99

you are here : >> Home >> Tara Sutphen Meditations
also available in CD

Item : Akashic Records
USD $ 14.99
Meditation & Subliminal Programming
By Tara Sutphen

Explore Information About Past
Lives, Dharma & Earthly Purpose
Every thought, word and deed from every lifetime you have ever lived is recorded in this mystical library.
Side A: You ask questions about your past lives and past loves, your dharma and earthly purpose.
Side B: The OM With Past-Life Awareness Subliminals: You become aware of your past lives through meditation and dreams. * You use past-life awareness to improve your present life. • More.
TS207 -- $14.99 (MP3)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Full Singing Moon

Full Singing Moon
By Tara Sutphen

Full Singing Moon (celtic) at 19* Pisces will culminate September 12, 2011 2:27am pdt/5:27am edt (almanac).
This Full Moon is a time of deep ponderance and connecting to your spiritual self. How blessed have you been feeling lately. Recalling to combine the soul essence with physical being. We sometimes forget to unite the essential components of ourselves. We can visualize our cells being permeated with sacredness and purity while integrating body strength with our wisdom and trust. Include emotions, as we need continuous reminders to keep ourselves in balance. Why do we tumble down the rabbit hole at times instead of climbing to the highest mountain of elevated potential. Where is it that we don’t offer our uppermost capability. Is becoming competent a learned behavior and may not be natural. The mind has no recollection of what is real and what is fantasy. Thoughts are things, so it’s very important to create the soul agreement of destiny as relevant, saying and doing -- physically trying our best to step into a good quality life and progress. No more stumbling forth, only reveling in grace.
What does mastering your life mean to you. Are you the temple of your body, mind and soul. Integration of thoughts and actions, knowing what is truth for you, and if you aren’t living it today you can start in an hour or so. It is never too late to co-create with the power of the God Light. Alignment with all life offers us part of the holy experience to fully appreciate what is outside of us and delving into our personal secret places within. Inside, you have a knowing of many answers to questions, these are from your subconscious and conscious self. Pain is difficult, never trite are these incidents. Life can be magical even at it’s most profane. And that is our hope, expectation and aspiration. Honoring the path of life, recognize and reconnect to your core being to your soul origin. All you, you to shine, the light of life energy.

Journal Questions:
Are you trusting your life and decisions
(write in depth...where you
are honest and where you give yourself 'white lies')
• Being honest with yourself
• Being honest in your relationships
• Being honest in your job choice
• Being honest about your health
List of your Ideas and Ideals
• Love
• Health
• Beauty
• Happiness
• Career
• Money
• Relationships
• Children
• Friends
• Home
• Style
What has to happen before you’ll change?
• Relationships
• Friendships
• Money
• Health
• Love
• Career
Write 3 sentences about your spiritual self
• Physical
• Emotional level
• Intellectual
• Spiritual
• What is real in your life and what is wishful thinking?
• Where are you sidetracking?
• Do you worry about issues you can’t control?
• What seems out of reach?
• Are you taking care of your personal life and relationships?
• Are you only sitting in a puddle of worry?
• Are you creating change and proactive solutions?
• How do you create proactive movement to secure your place in
your environment or country?
• How do you create workable solutions?
• Do you take risks?
• When you fight on the job, do you always need to be right?
• What is right?
• What if you are wrong or being emotional, can you come clean –
at least with yourself?
• Can you apologize?
• Can you clearly create a new fine day?
• Can you let all the unneeded upheaval you’ve experienced to live
tomorrow successfully?
Where do you shine in your life
• Home
• Work
• Gym
• Party
• Hobby
• Sport
• Other
Write 10 things you desire in your spiritual life
Write 10 things you desire in your physical life
Are they aligned?
How can you align your spiritual with your physical being
Breath of Life...the connection of who we were before birth and who we are now.

“Take this moment now, this moment of peace and calm, and breathe it in deep within your psyche. Make this feeling a part of your breathe. With each breath you breathe it is a part of you....This place of profound knowing.” ~Marla Maples

repost if you want

Friday, August 12, 2011

Full Dog Days Moon

Full Dog Day’s Moon
By Tara Sutphen

Full Dog Day’s Moon (colonial) at 20* Aquarius will culminate August 13, 2011 11:57am pdt/ 2:57pm edt (almanac). This Full Moon is an opportunity to be open and trust your future. No more pessimism or “I can’t”. You are born of the earth and your two feet are on the ground…start walking your talk and talking your walk. Life is meant to be lived. We go through blocks and sour people along our way, and it’s time to stop letting them knock you down. Get up, brush off and start moving forward.

How bad do problems have to get before concentrated effort of changing what you can. And if you can’t transform people or your circumstances, where do you make adjustments for you. What has to happen before you make a distinction of people, jobs, and behaviors. What feedback do you need. Are you staying in relationships and jobs that are only tolerable or satisfactory. Is the unrest with you, the circumstances or the job? Sometimes situations seem irredeemable. Do you fix it or let it go.

If you aren’t examining your reactions, and you find yourself anxious or frustrated, you could be letting life happen to you, instead of making the power of a choice. Living life a lot of the time feels like a pretend atmosphere. We have to work at keeping life “real”. Set up a list of your ideas and ideals. See if they are close to what you are living and experiencing and if not, you’ll need to adjust to feel more in control and less stuck with unfinished business. Start living a more suitable life. In the light of the moon you have a brighter vision of your tomorrow. You are actively seeking to bring yourself to a high prospective and living life to your fullest potential.

Journal Questions:
(write in depth...where you are honest and where you give yourself 'white lies')
• Being honest with yourself
• Being honest in your relationships
• Being honest in your job choice
• Being honest about your health

List of your Ideas and Ideals

• Love
• Health
• Beauty
• Happiness
• Career
• Money
• Relationships
• Children
• Friends
• Home
• Style

What has to happen before you’ll change?
• Relationships
• Friendships
• Money
• Health
• Love
• Career

Write 3 sentences about your future with each level
• Physical level
• Emotional level
• Intellectual level
• Spiritual level

Write about your future with each question
• What is real in your life and what is wishful thinking?
• Where are you sidetracking?
• Do you worry about issues you can’t control?
• What seems out of reach?
• Are you taking care of your personal life and relationships?
• Are you only sitting in a puddle of worry?
• Are you creating change and proactive solutions?
• How do you create proactive movement to secure your place in your environment or country?
• How do you create workable solutions?
• Do you take risks?
• When you fight on the job, do you always need to be right?
• What is right?
• What if you are wrong or being emotional, can you come clean – at least with yourself?
• Can you apologize?
• Can you clearly create a new fine day?
• Can you let all the unneeded upheaval you’ve experienced to live tomorrow successfully?

Where do you shine in your life

• Home
• Work
• Gym
• Party
• Hobby
• Sport
• Other

Write 10 things you desire in your future – write a story of successful conclusion for each.

We promise ourselves to change tomorrow…and we linger and it can pass us day after day. You can feel in your heart and mind what things are right and what things are wrong for you. Move forward easily, it is your birthright upon the earth to live a beautiful life.

“To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it the more fit for its prime function of looking forward” ~ Margaret Fairless Barber (7 May 1869 – 24 August 1901)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Full Thunder Moon (& Meditation)

Full Thunder Moon
By Tara Sutphen

Full Thunder Moon at 22* Capricorn will culminate July 14, 2011 11:39pm pdt/ July 15, 2011 2:39am edt (almanac). This Full Moon is an opportunity to evaluate your highest potential through your work or best job and to move in that direction. In the light of the moon you have a brighter vision of your tomorrow. You are actively seeking to bring yourself to a high prospective, trusting a solid course can be attained. How realistic has your work ethic been so far. Are you falling into jobs or set out to attain them. What are your skills and talent. And don’t say you don’t have any, as everyone is a unique individual and has many attributes even if you hide or don’t acknowledge them. You may not know how to move your life into how you want it to be. There are those jobs that are extraordinary such as a CEO, an Actor or another job clouded by societies view of glamour, but they began with a seed of an idea. When you come back to your innate self, simple pleasures are always the best. The way food tastes, flowers, trees, clouds in the sky, petting an animal. As an example, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream came about because someone liked ice cream and decided to share their concoctions, a woman in South Africa liked to garden and now delivers wheat grass to many stores. All ideas and desires start as miniscule daydreams. And even if we act on our dreams, does it assure us of winning, well no. But if we never try, then we have a life that we longed for and didn’t generate. Creation, it is ours. And maybe this life isn’t about focusing on refuge and collateral, it may possibly be about trying to gain love and relationships, making them right in some way. To appreciate those in your family relations and who you’ve chosen to love. Although shelter and security are necessary, and there are jobs within your range of interest, you may not have the full range of work skill but you can certainly try. It may not be tomorrow that you land your perfect job or place in the world, but the path lies before you and it’s time for the change that suits you best.

We long for our lives to be better overnight, but it’s an ongoing process. We must face the highs and lows, you deserve the very best. What are you waiting for………

Journal Questions:

Write 3 sentences about your job or career with each level

• Physical level

• Emotional level

• Intellectual level

• Spiritual level

Write about your career or job with each question

· What is real in your life and what is wishful thinking?

· Where are you sidetracking?

· Do you worry about issues you can’t control?

· Are you taking care of your personal life and relationships?

· Are you only sitting in a puddle of worry?

· Are you creating change and proactive solutions?

· How do you create proactive movement to secure your place in your environment or country?

· How do you create workable solutions?

· Do you take risks?

· When you fight on the job, do you always need to be right?

· What is right?

· What if you are wrong or being emotional, can you come clean – at least with yourself?

· Can you apologize?

· Can you clearly create a new fine day?

· Can you let all the unneeded upheaval you’ve experienced to live tomorrow successfully?

Where do you shine in your life

· Home

· Work

· Gym

· Party

· Hobby

· Sport

· Other

Write 10 things you like and create a daydream – write a story of success for each

No matter where we come from, we can recreate the life we want to live. It only takes waking up in the morning and planning a different day…little by little beginning each day walking in a life you design.

“Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time.”~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832


Full Moon Meditation

Tara Sutphen Live Webinar

Watch live at home on your computer

Thursday, July 14 – 6-7 PM Pacific Time

(9-10 PM Eastern Time)

http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ (World)

Full Moon Meditation:

July Thunder Moon culminates July 14, 2011 at 11:39pm(23:39) Pacific/ July 15, 2011 2:39am Eastern

When I started using the moon for rituals, I would invite a handful of friends. We'd sit around and meditate, talk, enjoy the company, I'd call the circle to order and we would settle into talking about what was going on in our lives. I would speak of the Astrological aspects universally, how it affected us on the planet in general and how it pertained personally to each person. We would process fears and what positive steps could be taken to alleviate those fears. Solutions on clearing the mind and try to come up with less confusing plans on what direction to take in important decisions and everyday life. We would look at what personal goals to pursue and to ask ourselves if our dreams and wants were realistic and to be honest to ourselves about what wasn't working in our lives and why. The moon is in control of all the water in the world and when it is full...the power of the cosmos at that time is immense. The Moon will be waxing toward culmination when Tara conducts the meditation.


The fee for this 1-hour live webinar is $12.00. To join the broadcast, just sign up by clicking the Paypal icon below. You’ll receive an email with instructions and a password that will allow you to access the broadcast on July 14. A few minutes before the seminar starts, you’ll type in your password and a “screen name” that will allow you to interact with Tara Sutphen, you will be able to type questions.

XO Sorce the Moon XO

310/770 6454


$12.00 usd

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Full Moon Meditation - July 14 Webinar w. Tara Sutphen

Full Moon Meditation
Tara Sutphen Live Webinar
Watch live at home on your computer

Thursday, July 14 – 6-7 PM Pacific Time
(9-10 PM Eastern Time)
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ (World)

Full Moon Meditation:
July Thunder Moon culminates July 14, 2011 at 11:39pm(23:39) Pacific/ July 15, 2011 2:39am Eastern
When I started using the moon for rituals, I would invite a handful of friends. We'd sit around and meditate, talk, enjoy the company, I'd call the circle to order and we would settle into talking about what was going on in our lives. I would speak of the Astrological aspects universally, how it affected us on the planet in general and how it pertained personally to each person. We would process fears and what positive steps could be taken to alleviate those fears. Solutions on clearing the mind and try to come up with less confusing plans on what direction to take in important decisions and everyday life. We would look at what personal goals to pursue and to ask ourselves if our dreams and wants were realistic and to be honest to ourselves about what wasn't working in our lives and why. The moon is in control of all the water in the world and when it is full...the power of the cosmos at that time is immense. The Moon will be waxing toward culmination when Tara conducts the meditation.


The fee for this 1-hour live webinar is $12.00. To join the broadcast, just sign up by clicking the Paypal icon below. You’ll receive an email with instructions and a password that will allow you to access the broadcast on July 14. A few minutes before the seminar starts, you’ll type in your password and a “screen name” that will allow you to interact with Tara Sutphen, you will be able to type questions.

310/770 6454
(paypal on website)

XO Sorce the Moon XO

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Full Moon of Horses

Full Moon of Horses
By Tara Sutphen

Full Moon of Horses at 24* Sagittarius will culminate June 15, 2011 1:13pm pdt/4:13pm edt (almanac) with a Total Eclipse. This Full Moon called by its Celtic name – “Moon of Horses” is an opportunity to evaluate how you handle your emotions and the extremes you find yourself at times. With the moon comes a most powerful time of the earth’s seas being moved by the gravitational pull of the earth and with a total eclipse, you may be feeling even more restless or sensitive. Usually aspects take you off of your demonstrative nature. But not this full moon, it’s set in the fixed star Aculeus, thus setting the aspect in the Scorpion’s tail. The unrest may be drumming up unfinished business in the most peaceful of people. Where do things go amiss and where do things go correctly. Decisions, have they been right or wrong. Are you using your personal power or mismanaging it. Do you even express what you deem influence and potential. Are you capable of so much more and unable to crest your energy to activate skill and talent. You can’t have talent unless you make the effort to risk and try.

Everyone has a rage level, we were born with it and must learn to manage it. Although for some reason many people don’t handle anger correctly at the time and a morass of confusion precipitates. Inferiority, resentment, irritation can go on for some time before we are willing to look at what doesn’t create an environment to thrive. Are you assertive and confident or having aggressive tendencies. Aggression is when you find your-self yelling at others aimlessly, becoming insistent, and uncompromising and with passive behavior locked emotionally away in an imprisoned set of rules and agony. How can we use defeat to further ourselves as we bumbe ahead, clumsily allowing our lives to be perplexed and sometimes it’s hurtful, if not slowly or unwittingly destroying ours or others lives. Where does insight begin, and does it make or break us.

A first thought would be to start making ourselves strong in body. When we feel good, generally we are confident. We have the wit to say yes and no to good or bad. As we regain a course of action, focus on a target and add intensity, these can be used as a tool toward a direction. Sounds easy, putting it into action is always the test…as we can dream and talk, talk and talk more. We can make a conscious decision to use an upset as a ‘road sign’ to move in another direction, this can give movement to actions and reactions, bringing greater circumstances into a personal sphere. You take the high road or low road…it’s that simple.

Journal Questions:
When has Anger worked for you?
• Physical level
• Emotional level
• Intellectual level
• Spiritual level

What is Happiness?
• Wholesomeness
• Contentedness
• Money
• Love
• Family
• Friends
• Awareness
• Wisdom

Who Angers You? And Why?
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices
How can you fix problems with…..
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices
Who is angry with you and Why?
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices
Are you moved forward or stalled out in these areas when you get angry?
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Are you Angry or Proactive? How are you Justifying your attitudes?
• What fears has the media, economy and politics created in you?
• What is real in your life and what is hoax?
• Where are you sidetracking?
• Do you worry about issues you can’t control?
• Are you taking care of your personal life and relationships?
• Are you only sitting in a puddle of worry?
• Are you creating change and proactive solutions?
• How do you create proactive movement to secure your place in your environment or country?
• How do you create Love?
• How do you create Peace?
• How do you create Harmony?
• How do you create workable solutions?
• Do you take risks?
• When you fight in the home, do you always need to be right?
• What is right?
• What if you are wrong or being emotional, can you come clean – at least with yourself?
• Can you apologize?
• Can you clearly create a new fine day?
• Can you let all the unneeded upheaval you’ve experienced to live tomorrow successfully?
Have you given up on…..
3 – 10 sentences
• Love
• Money
• Wellness
• Happiness
• Playfulness
• Wisdom
• Contentment

Loved Ones?
• What is the style of communication
• Are they aware of your feelings
• Are you aware of their feelings
• What is the compromise
• Resolution
Co Workers?
• What is the style of communication
• Are they aware of your feelings
• Are you aware of their feelings
• What is the compromise
o Resolution

Deliberation is the banal of focus and to create a life of vivid beauty we must put up with some degree of disdain and unruliness. This does not bode well for all who seek peace and gentleness, but even in nature there must be a yin to the yang. To become one with ourselves we must accept all the facets of our innate fear and shadows, for to cast light on them will bring us out of darkness.

“The only justice is to follow the sincere intuition of the soul, angry or gentle. Anger is just, and pity is just, but judgment is never just.” ~D.H. Lawrence quotes (British Poet, Novelist and Essayist, 1885-1930)

Total Eclipse times/visibility

Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Snow Moon

Full Snow Moon
By Tara Sutphen

The Snow Moon at 29* Leo will culminate Feb 18, 12:36am pst/ 3:36am est (almanac) This moon is about being powerful and ambitious. It can rock the boat as all of a sudden you feel carefree and reckless. Aquarius allows you to perceive the vision and Leo is taking claim. Normality seems lifeless and boring. Drama may take hold of your heart or your words. Shaking up the status quo, your desire to have what you want and not knowing why you sometimes want it. Many times what we desire seems out of reach.
Why don’t we always go after what we want. We can find ourselves in dead end jobs, unhappy relationships, un daunting incidents and we certainly know how we got there but did we take one wrong turn and it keeps leading to bad and bitter circumstance’s. Where’s the correct road to move towards the destiny that ultimately labels ‘perfection’. How does one get back on track. Is it the shake up or are you looking to gain perspective, the first application might be to recognize that something is wrong. Look at the good and bad happening in your life. If you aren’t making money, gaining love or happiness, what can you do if you are stuck.
Life is a bit of a puzzle, the pieces to complete the picture will be different for everyone. But there is a common thread of decency and human dignity. Abiding by the laws of the earth are foremost the path of fulfilling contentment. Those laws are free flowing boundary integration, there is enough light to make things grow – but what happens when things grow too big with power or greed. There is enough water to sustain everyone and everything also land to appreciate and care for – but what about pollution. There are children to love and help prosper – but how do we handle problems. Everything we are allowed to fix, develop and accomplish are gifts. We forget we are a living miracle and must try and stay conscious to that fact. We have a capacity to have faith in ourselves.
How to become unstuck:
• What is your dream
• Having fun again
• Simple pleasures
• Reassurance
• Attitude adjustment
• Taking care of yourself
• Get in water
• Telling the truth
• Learning new things
• Become a Love magnet
• Be reasonable about time
• Be your own best friend

Journal Questions:

Write out the meanings for each aspect above and on what level you might accomplish each topic through the 4 levels.
• Physical level
• Emotional level
• Intellectual level
• Spiritual level

Drama time with:
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Who do you love and who loves you. Then write out why.
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Dreams or a scene of Reality:
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Where can you become unstuck:
3 – 10 sentences
• Love
• Money
• Wellness
• Happiness
• Playfulness
• Wisdom
• Contentment
If you become unstuck will your friends and family become that way too. Not always. You must allow everyone to learn life at their own pace. Always be the good example and others will follow your lead. Be the Love you desire. Be the creator of good will.
“All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion and desire.”~Aristotle

Thursday, February 3, 2011

13* Aquarius New Moon

13*Aquarius New Moon
By Tara Sutphen

13* Aquarius New Moon (no moon – starry dark sky, the time of dreaming), culminating February 3, 2011. This Aquarius New Moon is about how you envision the future for yourself. Your destiny will enfold as your mind, voice and actions dictate. We can be in situations that we think or wish we didn’t put ourselves in. Do you stay stuck in the past, wishing for things to be different, speaking of days gone by, or converse of pain to dissect over and over. We want to tap into our emotions and feelings but we have to know when to let things go. Moving on and growing from the lessons that we’ve endured, making them “work for us instead of against us” time for newness and future possibilities. We have patterns and cycles, where sometimes we put ourselves and others down, or have a bleak outlook, instead of sparking conversation of ideas, hobbies and events. You know what hasn’t worked before. You may not tap into what doesn’t work for you, but you know, because it’s the pain and uneasy feelings. It’s the confusion and the chaos. It’s the anger and low self-esteem. Sometimes we don’t allow our best selves to shine, carrying neglect deep in our hearts and soul. Feeling unworthy to eat well, or to keep strong, disappointments bring judgment on ourselves and the people around us. And other people can spark that harshness. For others can break your heart if you allow them to do so, or make you cry in bitterness or anguish.
Do you put yourself in last place for everything, ie. love, money, food, fun, laughter, friendship, happiness. You may want and need to share, but be resourceful and good to yourself. Keeping a good attitude and changing to conscious behavior is a start…you can now begin to burst forth – just as spring in a few months. It’s easy to get stuck with the expectations of others and self-denial, it’s easy to fall into a rut and not make any moves to get out of the situations that have you programmed. How do you expect your life to look like, feel like, and be. It’s time to dream and speak of the future and move slowly in that direction.
You’ll need to take action, nothing overt, assess gentleness, resolve feelings and start to flow with facts. As daily we can accumulate more worry, paralyzing fear and uneasy feelings. All problems have solutions. Clarification brings sound resolution. Every day make a little effort to work at solving a problem or issues, adding a personal goal and aspiration. You don’t need to stumble anymore, feel guilty or pent up. Stay steady to being responsible to your life and others is important. We live up to being a good son or daughter, we live up to being a good father or mother, we live up to being a good friend, we live up to taking care of our loved ones, we live up to being part of a community, we live up to our better self if we allow ourselves to do so.
The sky is the limit, there are no barriers. Limitations are self-imposed. Stand up and breathe freedom. Breathe deep again and enrich your self-esteem. Breathe all the way to the bottom of your stomach. You can progress, cast away recklessness, abandonment, burdens or restless apprehension. Breathe in Life.
Journal Questions:
What are your goals?
• Job
• Career
• Talents
• Hobbies
• Love
• Adventures
• Vacations
• Money
• Living in a certain place

• What are the friend attributes you aspire
• Write out a friendship oath

Write out where you have limitations:
• Job
• Career
• Time
• Peace
• Love
• Money
• Extra money
• Past relationships
• Present relationships
• Children
• People who aren’t actualizing their lives and you step in to help
• Sickness
• Unhappiness
• Lack of patience
• Age
• Place
• Friends
• Expectations
• Not getting to do what you want
• Partying
• Vacations
• Sex
• physically
Answer the above list
• Are these limitations or situations?
• Are these responsibilities?
• Do you find balance or do you deny or go full throttle?

What do you abhor in others behavior?
• Unhappiness
• Laziness
• Stubbornness
• Things you have they want
• Money exchanging
• Time exchanging
• People who don’t wait for you
• People who don’t do for you
• Bullying
• Debating
• Denial

Are you organizing your future:
• Job
• School
• Money
• Happiness
• Worthiness
• Exercise
• Eating well
• Attentive
• Love
• Romance
• Parents
• Children
• Pets
• Garden

Romance (if you are or aren’t)
• Dress well
• Be kind
• Smell good
• Be open
• Smile

How can you feel better about yourself:
• Join a gym
• Join a group
• Take a walk
• Read a book
• Talk to your friends on the internet
• Start working on a hobby
• Start working on a new career
• Start working on your marriage
• Start working on your romance
• Start working on a new acquisition
• Start thinking where you want to move
• Start thinking how to help yourself more
• Start thinking how to help loved ones more
• Start thinking how to help others more
• Start thinking how to help in the community
• Start thinking how to help in your state, country or world
• Learn new things
• Write poems
• Write love letters
• Do a physical sport
• Sing
• Smile
• Laugh
• Meditate
• Look at nature
• Look at beauty
• Be in appreciation
• Breathe in life
• Soak in a bath
• Take time to groom oneself

Stop feeling lack luster…take time for you, get a hobby or meet other’s. There are millions of people in the world. There are many lonely people waiting to be friends. There are people who need to slow down and enrich their lives with meaningful people around them. There is time to accomplish your goals and live a good life. They say Money isn’t grown on trees, but it is made easily…the earth is full of bounty and blessings and they are yours by birthright. It’s all about creating the live you long to live.

“There is no such thing as chance; and what seem to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny.”
~Friedrich von Schiller (German Poet, Dramatist, Philosopher and Historian. 1759-1805)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon
By Tara Sutphen

The Wolf Moon is at 29* Cancer will culminate January 19, 2011 1:22pm pst/ 4:22pm est (almanac) This is a time to be nestled in for winter, bringing our consciousness toward our loved ones, family and the home. As humans we often concentrate on being unreasonable, and we can’t seem to remove the blinders or take the time to hear others. We forget it’s a conscious choice to live a beautiful life and that it is ours by birthright.
Yourself: Our thoughts can predominate in an area of looking inward or outside ourselves. With inward thinking, either you are building a perfect human by creating love, happiness, wisdom, solutions and good judgment or you’re downgrading to being mean to yourself, spiraling toward worm status. Worm status is when you think of yourself as lowly and not deserving. You could even be berating and calling yourself or others bad names, lowering your self esteem even further. Recognize the time is now never tomorrow to build yourself. You may not be able to turn behavior, reaction or proactive overnight, but it will all be worth taking the necessary steps to try. And if you need help, there are lots of articles to read for inspiration and tips and maybe you need to start talking to a neutral therapist, a guidance counselor or wise relative. Learn to create smooth relationships and peacefulness. Your home life should be a haven. Work life is goals and competitiveness. All areas of your life should bring fulfillment.
Parents: All parents should take time to ”listen” to their children at any age. If they feel you are not listening to them, they sometimes try to entertain you or act out dangerously or rudely. Gently remind them to be safe and use common sense. Know when you are giving them too much advice or being too playful. If you are an imbiber know that all drugs and alcohol do not lead to the palace of wisdom, many times you teach your kids not only to be scared of you but also to be fearful of life. We all have problems, seek solutions. Sometimes chaos has ensued and parents grapple for control, no matter the age of said child, it takes time to re-establish peace and order, persevere and it can happen. You are a parent living up to your thoughts of what parenthood should be. You will always be a parent once you are one. Welcome to real life. Remember parents never give up, they rest a little or find help but you never give up hope and the promises you envisioned when your children were born.
Children: No matter the age, children need to find wonderful possibilities in the world. Playing and bantering are expressions of the interaction they’re creating for the future. Parents, teachers, friends and foes will help them find ways to find support and become individuals. When you feel their pent up energy guide them toward something constructive, so they easily find their way toward education, exercise, inspiration, laughter, curiosity and self expression. Allow grandiose excitement at times and moments of silence and pondering, it allows for healthy living. Be kind to your children for they grow far too fast. Sadly we hear our forefathers speak of their children often growing up not to fulfill their expectations and children aren’t in sync with the parent’s ideas or ways of thinking. We must remember not to live in a small realm, children are born of the big world with all the trends of their tomorrow. They ready themselves for their lifestyles and the future. It is not for us to question, but to embrace. If they are in trouble, we gently lead them back to safety. And that goes for children taking care of their parents too...lead them back to safety.
Lovers/Spouses: To be Loved you must be Loving........Keep at it. We are a part of a big plan, not everything goes smoothly but we must have faith and hope. Love is always the answer.

Journal Questions:

How are you as a lover?
• Physical level
• Emotional level
• Intellectual level
• Spiritual level

Are you happy with your parents? Why and Why not?
• Happiness
• Wholesomeness
• Contentedness
• Money
• Love
• Family
• Friends
• Awareness
• Wisdom
Are you happy with your children? Why and Why not?
• Happiness
• Wholesomeness
• Contentedness
• Money
• Love
• Family
• Friends
• Awareness
• Wisdom

Explain your emotional needs with this list:
• Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Explain your parent’s emotional needs?
• Their Parents
• Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Explain your children’s needs of time and attention with this list:
• GrandParents
• You
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

What is your parents expectation of you regarding them or your children:
• Your Parents
• Your Children
• Lovers
• Spouses
• Friendships
• People
• Places
• Career Choices

Write a few sentences to analyze these questions:
• What fears do your parents have for you?
• What fears do your children have for you?
• What fears do you have for your parents
• What fears do you have for your children
• What fears do you have for you
• Do you live up to your parents expectations
• Do you exceed your parents expectations
• Were you parents angry with their parents
• Were your parents angry with their lives
• Why and which one and how?
• What solutions were made then?
• What solutions are made now?
• What solutions do you propose to make with your kids?
• Do you take into consideration their futures?
• What do you access the future will be like?
• Will technology grow?
• Will technology fail?
• What kind of future are you instilling within your children’s psyche?
• Do you believe the world will end?
• Or you only worried about how you will make out and not how your children or parents will?
• What do you worry about?
• Why?
• What is your greatest fear?
• What do you think are your silliest fears?
• How can you control the future?
• Are you putting that plan into motion?
• Are you stalling out?
• Are you in frozen mode?
• Are you waiting for things to happen to you instead of you making things happen?
• Do you have a fun time with your family?
• Make a small plan to implement a daily mantra of conscious contentment with the family you’ve chosen.
• If your biological family doesn’t match your ideal, you must create a family. With either your own family or family of friends.
• Do not allow pride to get in the way of love, do you do this?

Behavior with your family & relatives:
• What is the style of communication
• Are they aware of your feelings
• Are you aware of their feelings
• What is the compromise
o Resolution

Memories sit within our hearts and souls, make sure to try and make the best of everyday. Hug those you love...

“Man seeks joy in far off places and peace in quiet spots; but the spring of joy is in his heart. the haven of peace is in himself. Even when he walks on the moon, man has to take with him, his fears, his anxieties, his prejudices and his pet aversions.” ~Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Indian Spiritual leader, b.1926)

You are invited:
note: you may repost