Thursday, October 7, 2010

Full Harvest Moon

Full Harvest Moon

By Tara Sutphen

The Harvest Moon at 0* Aries will culminate September 24, 2010 2:19am pdt/ 5:19am edt (almanac). Last full moon was a spiritual occasion. And this full moon gets our body up and moving. Not only is it the Fall Equinox about World Thanksgiving. It’s about putting our gratitude for life into action. We are asked to begin again, refresh and regroup. What were those interrupted dreams in your past, you can go far back as childhood. What goals had meaning to you and sidetracked you to be responsible or dutiful. Regress and meditate for a few minutes, recall what makes you tick. We forget over and over why we came to earth. Who are we supposed to be. Who are we supposed to love. What is supposed to make us happy. Have others made it hard to like or love them. Did you change directions in a career. What has veered you in other directions. What has been gifts. What has been a total sacrifice on your part. Do you know or did you start going with the flow awhile ago and stopped being who you want to be. We all want to be realistic for our survival. But there comes a time to think outside the box and risk in practical matters. You might experience joy or fulfillment, you seek and need. You risk at helping others, you risk at love, you risk at money, you risk at setting intentions. You risk to open your energy instead of close yourself down.

0* Aries is the start of a “new day, new emotions, new physical well being, new viewpoint, a new spiritual journey, new projects, new goals and new random adventures”. Begin to live…for you, a higher order, wide awake, wide awake……….no more humdrum days.

Journal Questions:

New Beginnings:

8 sentences of dreams, desires and goals for your new future or enhanced current future in these life areas, EACH subject.

■Physical level
■Emotional level
■Intellectual level
■Spiritual level

What in your past have you regretted somehow? 3-10 sentences for each subject?


■Career Choices
■Eating Habits
■Exercise Habits

We can’t change the past or the growth experienced. We can learn from mistakes and past actions.

Your greatest lessons:


What is it in the now of your life that you can change, it may be a slow change but what is possible?

Write out 3-7 sentences on how you change to enhance your life. Each Subject.


Write out how you must start to think outside the box?

7-10 sentences or more on each subject.


“Virtue tested: "Have I not survived hunger and thirst, suffering, and mockery for the sake of the truth which heaven has awakened in my heart?" ~Kahlil Gibran (Lebanese born American philosophical Essayist, Novelist and Poet. 1883-1931)

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